#69: How to Handle Transition with Lisa Givens

Jan 16, 2024
Lisa Givens smiling on the left, Michelle Fox standing with her hands on her hips

In this episode…


I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Lisa Givens, a remarkable woman who defied conventional career paths. Transitioning from a successful tech career to becoming the proud owner of her private chef business, Lisa's journey is nothing short of inspiring. 

As this former chef has transitioned to a well-deserved retirement, our conversation delved into the powerful narrative of change, resilience, and the pursuit of passion. Join me in exploring her transformative story – a testament to the endless possibilities that unfold when one courageously follows their heart and embraces the beauty of reinvention. 


The Leap from Tech to Taste


Have you been feeling the urge to take a leap of faith? Lisa Givens shares her journey to doing just that. As a New Orleans native, she made a dramatic career transition after 22 years in software engineering at Bell Systems. Alongside her tech career, she cultivated her culinary passion through her business, Gourmet Away. 

With one short, yet powerful word, “layoff,” Lisa’s life made a drastic change. Without a clear plan, the love Lisa had for cooking since her childhood ignited her desire to prepare food and share it with the community. This new opportunity turned into a business she never expected!


The Journey Through Life's Changes


Life's transitions, whether it's menopause, career changes, or adjusting to an empty nest, can be challenging. Lisa's shift from the corporate world to the culinary arts was an unplanned leap of faith. What started as a hobby turned into a professional pursuit when a cooking class sparked her desire to chase her culinary dreams.

Changing careers comes with its own set of doubts and fears. Lisa openly discussed her concerns about the viability of a culinary career and the uncertainties of a new path. However, a cooking contest and the steadfast support of her loved ones reinforced her decision and helped her embrace her new identity as a chef. She encourages us all to be still and listen to your inner voice. Where will it take you? 



Highlights of this episode:

  • Michelle and Lisa discuss various transitions women may be going through right now, including menopause, career changes, and children leaving home.
  • Lisa Givens shares some relatable challenges and doubts she faced during her career transitions.
  • Lisa shares her new journey as a caretaker for her mother and her role as the board chair of the foundation, The Caregivers Guardian, a consulting service supporting, encouraging, and advocating for the family caregiver. 
  • Lisa's journey is a testament to the notion that transitions are not isolated events but ongoing processes.  


            ✨ Click here to watch this episode on YouTube. ✨


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All my love,



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