Gluten and Sugar-Free Chocolate Muffins

Sep 27, 2017
Tray of dark chocolate muffins.

Soooooo, I have joined yet another health challenge, this time, it is for the long-term. State of Slim is being offered at work, so of course, I jumped on board.


Dr. Holly Wyatt presented us with the possibility of losing 10 – 25% of our weight within 16 weeks. Heck yeah, I’m in... and guess what? One week down and 3 pounds gone with it. Happy dance!


The downside of this program? There isn’t one. However, at times I have felt a little hungry. The good news is that she provided a recipe for chocolate muffins that are safe for our first phase (the 2-week fat-burning phase).


I have modified it below to make it both gluten-free and sugar-free. The Greek yogurt is baked out, so I do not experience any of my lactose intolerance issues when I eat these.​



​The feedback at home (non-dieters) was thumbs to the side. My support group at work (dieters) gave it two thumbs up. I think I will add shredded zucchini to the next batch to add more moisture.​  Try it for yourself and let me know what you think!


All my love,


Click here for more baked goods recipes!

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