Episode 36: How To Eat Gluten-Free While Traveling

Are you tired of returning from vacations feeling bloated and regretful due to unhealthy eating choices? The culprit might just be gluten. 


Whether you are gluten intolerant or not, consuming gluten can lead to inflammation in your body, leaving you feeling less than your best. But fear not, friend! In this episode, we explore how you can successfully maintain a gluten-free lifestyle while traveling, allowing you to indulge in your adventures without sacrificing your health.

Let’s dig in with my favorite tips (that have worked!)

Researching Your Destination:

Before embarking on your trip, it's crucial to conduct a little research. Start by familiarizing yourself with the language spoken in the country you are visiting. Knowing how to say "no gluten, please" in the local language can be immensely helpful when communicating with chefs and restaurant staff. 

Where You Are Staying:

Additionally, consider the accommodations where you will be staying. Vacation rentals, such as Airbnb, often provide kitchen facilities, allowing you more control over your meals. 

Snacks and Supplementation:

To ensure you have gluten-free options readily available, pack a variety of travel-friendly snacks. I typically pack two to three hard-boiled eggs that I'll peel ahead of time, and put in little baggies and they make excellent, easy snacks.

Baby carrots, gluten-free crackers, and gluten-free pretzels can keep you satiated between meals. You can also consider packing meat sticks and Resist protein bars, which are not only delicious but also gluten-free and offer a nutritional boost.

You'll get a special discount if you go to my store and grab them there.

Supplementation can be beneficial while traveling. Digestive enzymes can help break down foods, aiding digestion when your body might be under stress due to a change in diet. Magnesium supplements can support healthy bowel movements and promote better sleep. 

Communicate ahead of time with your airline, reach out to local restaurants, and embrace the local cuisine!

To wrap it up:

By conducting some research, planning ahead, and communicating your dietary needs, you can enjoy your journey while nourishing your body. Remember, you deserve to prioritize your health, even when you're away from home. So pack those gluten-free snacks, embrace the local cuisine, and embark on your next adventure with confidence and vitality! 

Bon voyage!

Speaking of travel…

I’ve got some juicy retreats planned for you!

- First retreat: September 8th and 9th in my home, Denver.

- Second retreat: October 18th in the Dominican Republic with Dr. TJ.

- Third retreat: February 28th, 2024, an intimate international women's retreat.

Get all the details here.


Highlights of this episode:

  • How to maintain a gluten-free diet while traveling and the challenges and potential consequences of consuming gluten while on vacation
  • Importance of research and planning when traveling to ensure access to gluten-free options. 
  • Practical tips for packing gluten-free snacks, including hard-boiled eggs, baby carrots, meat sticks, gluten-free crackers, pretzels, and nuts or seeds.
  • Potential benefits of digestive enzymes, magnesium supplementation, and herbal teas like peppermint, ginger, and chamomile for supporting digestion and easing digestive discomfort while traveling. 
  • The 2023/2024 Retreat calendar is out!


✨Go to for SHOW NOTES, TRANSCRIPT, and a link to this YOUTUBE episode.✨


Links mentioned in this episode:

  • Grab yummy gluten-free snacks at a discount here
  • Upcoming retreats

Learn more about living gluten-free from these past episodes:


Connect with Michelle:

Free meal planner:

Instagram: @michellefoxlove

Facebook: @michellefoxlove
