#73: Cultivating Kindness & Self-Love with Andrea Herbert, Iffie Jennings & Tiffany Wachtler

Feb 13, 2024
Andrea Herbert, Iffie Jennings, Tiffany Wachtler smiling on the left, Michelle Fox standing on the right

In this episode…


Prepare for an episode of Nourish with Michelle Fox that's bound to leave you in awe! Before we dive into the heart-warming content of this Valentine's Day-themed episode, I have some news to share. 

As of March 15th, I'll be embarking on a one-month sabbatical to hit the reset button and nourish my own well-being. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support throughout my podcasting journey. 

This is not a goodbye to our community, but a brief pause to recharge and return with even more inspiration on how I want to serve. Please don't tune out - we have incredible episodes lined up through the month of February, so let's make it a farewell to remember.

This may seem like a surprise, but I ask you to trust that it's all part of a bigger picture of self-love and kindness. Join me in celebrating the power of taking a break and prioritizing self-care!

Speaking of which - it can be easy to forget to be kind - not just to others, but to ourselves sometimes. So, today I am thrilled to be joined by THREE amazing women to explore this concept:   Andrea Herbert, Iffie Jennings and Tiffany Wachtler. This episode dives deep into reflections on kindness, the importance of self-love, and how to blend personal and professional lives. Let’s dig in!


The Importance of Self-Love in the Kindness Journey

We’ve all heard about having self-love and what that may look like and feel like. However; throughout the conversation, Iffie Jennings introduces a new and essential concept: self-kindness. Being genuinely kind to others starts with being kind to oneself. What does this look like? It can be as simple as honoring commitments to yourself, using kind words when addressing yourself, and recognizing the importance of taking breaks. 

These powerhouse entrepreneurs provide us with such great ideas of ways to grow our circle using kindness. This can look like volunteering for a cause you believe in, engaging with your community, and being open to new experiences and social activities. These can all be forms of self-kindness that replenish your resources and increase your capacity to extend kindness to others.


How Kindness Translates to the Corporate World

When you think of walking into your corporate job everyday, do you think of kindness? If not, Andie Herbert is here to open your eyes to the possibility of a kind corporate world. She provides practical ways to infuse kindness into everyday professional interactions. She emphasizes respect, an empathetic approach, and open communication as foundational building blocks of kindness in the workspace. 

Above all, she reminds listeners that authenticity is key. Striving to create a fulfilling, mutually beneficial professional environment is the epitome of kind leadership. Just imagine how different your day can look when you’re met with kindness at the door of your workplace and how you can impact your employees and coworkers with kindness!


Transforming Life through Kindness

Tiffany Wachtler reminds us that kindness is an action word. What does that mean? Kindness isn’t always the easiest approach but it is the most meaningful. Kindness encourages growth. Kindness means thoughtfulness. Kindness requires honesty and respect. You are encouraged to be active in your kindness; leave kind voice notes for friends or volunteering to serve a cause that resonates deeply with you.

Remember, Valentine’s Day is not reserved for only romantic relationships, whether you are in a partnership or solo, there is something for all of us in this conversation. Self-love and self-kindness positively influences and enriches our lives and those around us!


A Formal Introduction to our Guests

Andie Herbert: Be Kind Lyfe - Andrea is a kindness enthusiast that brings extensive experience leading culture and performance improvements that transform organizations into kind, problem-solving, innovative powerhouses. Andrea has led a multitude of initiatives including employee engagement, customer experience, process improvement and new business integrations.

Andrea is a mentor to executive leaders and has worked for a decade to help them critically think about their operations, remain curious, embrace continuous improvement, and treat their teams and colleagues with empathy and kindness. Andrea lives in Metro Atlanta with her family and enjoys traveling, baking and continuous learning.


Iffie Jennings:  The Kindness Network - Iffie Jennings is a distinguished professional, recently honored as one of BizWest's Notable Minority Leaders and as one of the 30 Most Influential Business Leaders in 2022. She plays a pivotal role on the Community and Local Government Affairs team at Xcel Energy, skillfully managing strategic relationships with city, county, and business entities. Her over ten years of experience in healthcare and strategic management have honed her ability to create innovative solutions for nationally recognized initiatives. 

Iffie's empathetic leadership style and commitment to kindness shine through in her collaborative approach, both within her organization and in external partnerships across nonprofits, public, and private sectors. This approach is not only a professional asset but also a personal creed, as evidenced by her entrepreneurial venture, The Kindness Network. This clothing company caters to professional women, promoting empathy and kindness as core values.

Educated at Colorado State University with a bachelor's degree and an MBA from Regis University, Iffie blends academic acumen with practical experience. Her dedication to continuous improvement and her humble demeanor make her an inspiring figure in both her professional and personal life. Away from work, Iffie cherishes time with her husband and three boys, finding joy and inspiration in her family life, which further fuels her passion for making a positive difference in the world.


Tiffany Wachtler:  Kindness Concierge - With a 20 year background working and volunteering in the nonprofit sector, Tiffany values the power of community and connection. While navigating the grief that came with losing her mom in 2017, she found that kindness was the light that carried her through it. This inspired Tiffany to create kindness concierge, a company that aims to make sure that those who are grieving feel loved and less alone.  Tiffany has a knack for making meaningful connections, and uses this talent to help guide clients to ways they can be better grief allies.   

When not talking death, loss, and grief, Tiffany can be found cuddling up with a good book, her loving husband, Joe and their dog Walter.


Click here to watch this episode on YouTube. ✨


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Highlights of this episode:

  • Michelle ensures her single listeners to not be afraid of Valentine’s Day but to use it as self-love and self-care day!

  • The guests express how important it is to make connections and give practical advice on how to do that, even as an introvert. 

  • Tiffany Wachtler explains the difference in being nice and kind. We discuss how being nice can be exhausting and can have a negative impact.

  • All three women give insight on how their personal experiences influenced the creation of their businesses focused on kindness. 


Links mentioned in this episode:


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Prefer to read along?  Click here to download the transcript.


All my love,



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