#48: Why You Can't Seem To Lose Weight with Melinda Jacobs

Aug 08, 2023
Episode #48: Why You Can't Seem To Lose Weight with Melinda Jacobs

In this episode…


Content warning: The subject of childhood sexual trauma is briefly discussed in this episode.

Melinda Jacobs, CCHt joins us for a deep conversation about healing past trauma and releasing certain habits regarding our relationship with food. Being a certified clinical hypnotherapist, speaker, teacher, author, and licensed practitioner, Melinda has worked professionally in the healing arts since 1988 with people in 46 countries around the world. 

Her intuitive coaching practice Quantum Therapeutics specializes in empowering people to heal through and beyond trauma. Her unique, threefold approach helps her client: 

  1. Resolve past trauma
  2. Learn more effective tools to move forward
  3. Integrate the many aspects of self 

As a result, clients develop deep compassion for themselves, get clarity about their purpose, and step into their best lives. In addition, Melinda offers a unique perspective on internal and external motivations to resolve past trauma. 


Dissect Your Trauma: Who's in that Food?

During our conversation, Melinda expresses that we are accustomed to bypassing our feelings when we bump into the vulnerable parts of ourselves. She explains that oftentimes people experience things as a child and don’t have the capacity to understand or process it, so they bury certain feelings. 

Melinda encourages us to ask ourselves, who is in that snack? By openly identifying what’s underneath our behavior, we learn to not rely on the food anymore. She teaches us how to look at our habits, to listen and look into the situation. 


Emotional vs Physical Craving

In our discussion, Melinda explains how to tell the difference between a natural physical craving and an emotional one. The most important insight she gives us is that the body will never naturally crave a toxin.


A Metaphor: Thorn in the Paw 

Melinda explains that trauma is like a thorn in the paw. As a result, we develop a sort of limp and become dependent on such compensation. Once we remove the thorn, that compensation will disappear, and through the power of recognizing the cause we can stand up straight. The habit or craving is not the problem. 


Cellular Release Therapy

Melinda helps us understand cellular release therapy. The practice is done in a relaxed state where one gathers life data stored in their cellular memory and asks the subconscious about those experiences. Melinda will help you sift through your unique experiences. 

The volumes of data that our subconscious collects can be released during a session. This work starts where talk-therapy stops. 

We are pure potentiality. Anything other than that is probably a limitation or distortion of the truth of our being.

For some, it is an easy process, but for others it can be a long journey. Regardless, it is important to remember to be gentle and be kind to yourself and begin to love yourself right now. 


Let us know if this conversation sparks an aha moment for you!  We would love to hear from you!  Leave a comment on Instagram or Facebook and/or share your feedback by email at [email protected]



Highlights of this episode:

  • Melinda talks about her amusing childhood experiences in the kitchen.
  • We get personal about our individual family trauma and how it affected our dietary habits. 
  • Melinda shares how to tell the difference between a nutritional and an emotional craving.
  • Melinda shares how cellular release therapy works.


Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

You have found this podcast, which means either you or somebody that you know and love is likely going through perimenopause and/or full blown menopause. I am so excited to share with you that I recently published a digital guide entitled Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just Me? 7 Steps To Dramatically Reduce Your Hot Flashes Through The Power of Nutrition!

I wrote this book with you in mind, because it took me some time to figure out the answers to heal my own menopausal symptoms - like hot flashes and night sweats and tummy bloat - but I have healed these symptoms and now I’m thrilled to be able to share with you! 

If you have been struggling with menopausal symptoms and want the quick answers to stop struggling, then grab your copy today!  You are not meant to suffer and I would love to help you feel better. You deserve to feel good in your body!


Click here to watch this episode on YouTube.


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Prefer to read along? Click here to download the transcript.


All my love,



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